Treyburn Community

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Shop for a Cause & Get 20% Off at MACY’S
To Benefit ConKerr Cancer

On Saturday, October 13th, Macy’s celebrates a national day of support for local non-profit organizations in our community. By shopping on October 13th with a pass, you will receive up to 20% off you purchases the entire day. I have purchased 10 shopping passes for this event to benefit ConKerr Cancer, a local charity started by Cindy Kerr (a T/E mom) whose son underwent cancer treatment at CHOP. Since I will not be able to use all of these passes, I would love to be able to give them to anyone who can use them. Please let me know how many passes you can use and I will leave them in your mailbox.

I can be reached at or 610/687-9009. Barbara Bashe